Security Manager

The Security Manager is used to manage user access to ATX when you are working in a multi-user office. It allows the Admin user to set up users and manage user access to a variety of system functions.

Only the Admin user or users with Security Manager rights may access Security Manager.

For each new user, the following tasks should be performed in Security Manager.

  • Assignment of a User Name: Users are assigned a User Name which must be used to log in. Users may also be assigned a Password, although passwords are not required.
  • Assignment to a User Group: Users are assigned to one or more security groups (which define the system tasks they can perform). Users can only perform the tasks that are included in their security group's list of available actions.

 Network users must have a user profile in Security Manager in order to log into ATX.

To open Security Manager, click the Tools menu; then, select Security Manager.

Security Manager (Users tab)

Users Tab

The Users tab (and the dialog boxes that you access from it) allows you to add new users to the system and to define the tasks (via the security group assignments) to which each user has access.

Groups Tab

The Groups tab (and the dialog boxes that you access from it) allows you to edit default security groups and to define custom security groups to meet your business needs.

How To Topics:

Security Manager Terminology

If you've never worked with system security, there are a few terms you'll need to know:


Anyone who uses the system in some way.

User Name

Every user in the system must have a corresponding User Name that he or she will use to log in.


A task or group of tasks that users perform in the system, such as Print Return or Create e-file.

Active status

An Active status indicates that a user is current, thus enabling them to log in and perform their assigned system actions. Active is the default state for all users.

If you deactivate a user, you block the user from logging into the system. User information is retained and the user can be made Active again at any time.

Group (or, Group Membership)

The security Group combines a list of system actions. This Group represents the user's level of system access. Each user must be assigned to a group in order to grant them the access they need to perform their job tasks. For a list of available actions, see Security Manager Available Actions.

If you have a user that does not fit neatly into one of the default groups, you can assign the user to multiple default groups, and by Creating a New Security Group, you can assign a unique set of actions just for that user.

Admin User

The Admin user is the individual in the organization who has complete system rights, including the right to add new users to the system and to grant all users their particular levels of access.

Specifically, the Admin user can perform all of the actions listed above in the How To Topics section.

User Passwords are Optional

Users are not required to have passwords to log in. However, by assigning a password to a user, unauthorized activity can be prevented by controlling user actions within the system.


See Also:

Logging In

Administrative Tasks